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The UK based Hindu Organisations BHAS UK (Bengali Hindu Adarsh Sangha UK) and ISKCON, and many other Hindu organisations jointly held protest rallies in the heart of London, Birmingham and Edinburgh condemning the barbaric act of Islamists during the Durga Puja festival in Bangladesh.

A huge crowd of more than 1000 people have gathered in London in front of the Bangladesh Embassy and in front of the Bangladesh Assistant High Commission in Birmingham in a separate protest to show their solidarity to the Bangladesh Hindu brotherhood who underwent a series of ethnic cleansing, torture, rape, looting and other cruel measures by Islamists in last 10 days.

Hindus in large numbers have thronged into London from all parts of South England. It created huge support in the NRI Hindu and Bengali Indians of the United Kingdom and an urge to do something for unfortunate Bangladeshi Hindus who have faced another round of Ethnic cleansing by Muslim fundamentalists whose dark designs became fruitful due to apathy from the Bangladesh Government.

During 13th – 17th October 2021, Hindus of Bangladesh celebrated their biggest festival Durga Puja when violence was unleashed by an Islamist mob in Bangladesh that quickly spread across 21 districts. As of 20-Oct, 315 Hindu temples were vandalised, nearly 1,500 Hindu homes and businesses were ransacked, and over 23 Hindu women and girls were raped, including a 10-year-old minor girl who succumbed to her injuries. Misinformation and hatred against Hindus had spread outrageously through Social Media platforms which made the incidents widespread. Though Bangladesh has a history of genocide and mass-killing of Hindus who once constituted 100% of the population but fell to around 8-10% recently. It turned out that now every day is a Black day for Bangladeshi Hindus unless there is a strong commitment from Bangladesh Authority to reinstate normalcy and punish evildoers.

Their barbaric and uncivilised mobs even did not spare temples of global Hindu organisations like Ramakrishna Mission, ISKCON and Ram Thakur Ashram. Two Monks of ISKCON and several devotees were mercilessly killed. The distinguished Organisations have publicly criticised this heinous effort to finish Hindu Community, and Global audiences have taken note and expressed their concern and support from various parts of the World. Non-Government sources say that the ground situation is very dire and grave, especially in the interior corners of Bangladesh. The Internet has been cut off in the Hindu localities so that images of destruction and loss cannot come into the public.

It created intense anger and resentment in the mind of the Hindu population, who make up 2% of the UK demography. Hindus of all generations in the UK have expressed their empathy and deep compassion to the deceased and oppressed. Today’s protest march resonates and corroborates that view and acts as a strong warning to Bangladesh Authority.

During the peaceful protest, Organisers requested to Bangladesh Government to:

  •  Ensure long-term protection of Hindus and uphold human rights
  •  Respect the promise to punish those responsible for this violence, do whatever is required to stop the future occurrence of such violence.
  • Repair temples which were broken, restore shops and houses of Hindus which were looted and burnt, rehabilitate the victims so that they can continue their livelihood, respectively

Hindu and like-minded Organisations have decided to continue their protest in various forms in the future and will support the families of the deceased and injured people.

Hindu organisations in the United Kingdom will be writing a letter to UK Prime Minister expressing their concerns.

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