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Respected Swami Dayatmananda Ji’s Speech Final Part

Respected Swami Dayatmananda Ji’s Speech Part -2

Essentials of Hinduism Part 2 – by Swami Dayatmananda Ji ——————————————————— HINDU IDEA OF GOD: —————————— Hinduism believes in the reality and oneness of God, who is the power that creates and preserves the universe, and unto whom it periodically returns. God...
Respected Swami Dayatmananda Ji’s Speech  Part -1

Respected Swami Dayatmananda Ji’s Speech Part -1

Respected Swami Dayatmananda ji graced the occassion with his presence in the Vivekananda Hindu Sanskriti Utsav on 10th Feb 2018. He has kindly sent us his lecture delivered on the day in writing so that we can share with all. Here is the written version of his...

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